Monday, November 30, 2009

New Decorating Tips

I think this may be the way I decorate this year, take pictures and hang them around the coach.
Please keep us in your Prayers tomorrow as we travel back to Birmingham.

Monday Morning Outing

We leave in the morning so we went to the Apple Barn this morning. raining and clouds hanging over the mountain's.

My pretty for the day. She was just sitting in a Dogwood tree and we walked down to the street. I could reach and touch the tree, that is how close she was and she just watched me seemingly with no fear.

The front of the Apple Barn Farmhouse. All Decorated for Christmas.

Sonny's New Home!!!

A Glorified Dog House. Just kidding, it is nice inside for a week end retreat but not to live in, thank you very much.

These were shots out the back of the House model, Not very clear hint hint I need a better lens!!
Was to far a way and couldn't zoom any more.

Sunday Afternoon Adventure

After the Family left we took a drive up a road we hadn't ever been on. You just never know what you will find around the bend.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Middle Road Methodist

Sonny and I went riding around back behind our RV Park, and found a road that came back into Sevierville. Found all these Barns and a new shot of the Mountains.

I love this one. Cant believe I got it, we were going around a curve and I put the camera out the window and shot jut hoping I got it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Moon over Mt LaConte

David and Carlee

Icicles everywhere!!


View of Cherokee Mtns.

Newfound Gap

Snow, we got to see some snow!!!
You would never know they were freezing to death. The wind and it 37 deg. That makes Cold!!!!!


Moonshine Ridge Country Store!!

This is here in Wears Valley. I had been wanting to get in this store but keep putting it off. So sorry because it is a wonderful little place. All kind of relishes and jelly's. Sorry everyone I didn't buy any not even for my self. Maybe next time.
Their Christmas Decorations were so pretty.

This was on the left side of the building. Fun Place.

Feeding The Ducks

We had bought some feed so when the girls got here they could feed all the Ducks that live here at the park. Well Raegan got tired of feeding them and decide to chase them.

I snapped and ducked all at the same time.

See the Duck at the bottom, bless his heart he tried to take off so fast he flew upside down.

It was Duck frenzy!!