Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What a Night

We are pulling out of a night from Elm Street. See all the debre in the road. I have only been that scared once before in my life and that was when we were in Hurricane Charlie. I said then I never wanted to do that again. Ike missed us but the wind didnt. It would hit us and we would rock. There were many times I thought well this is it we are turning over, no my we can stay up right in this. I Prayed all night long and the girls were right in the middle of the bed with us. I would look at the cabinet in front of me and knew there was can goods in there and i could just hear it now Woman killed with a can of Salmon or Clam Chowder Soup. (in a RV you put stuff where you can and the cangoods are in the bedroom).
The Lord did take care of us and it is early afternoon, we couldn't get out till now because the wind gust were still to bad and wind advisories were out for Big Trucks and RVs. Telling us to stay off the road till it settled down. We are now going over the Mississippi into Memphis.

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